Category Archives: oh my!

Top 3 most surprising uses for KYU-6â„¢ LED light bracelet

KYU-6â„¢ is one of the lowest-profile cine-lights in the world and both cinematographers and still photographers have found loads of creative ways to use KYU-6 lights in their projects. To our surprise, KYU-6 users in our online Spekular Community have found some incredibly creative ways to use these flexible and wearable LED lights as compact […]

Shooting Whiskey for easyJet, Europe’s second largest low-cost airline

Eyal Yassky is a travel photographer and social entrepreneur. For the opening issue of 2019’s EasyJet Traveller magazine, Eyal shot an intriguing story about whiskey-making in Tel Aviv. I asked Eyal to peek his brain about the shoot and share it with the Spiffy Community: A career in Travel photography gets you to… well… Travel. […]

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